
Showing posts from January, 2022

Thesis- Fill In (1/28/2022) Meeting with Mentor

 Notes:  Sound garden  Interactions with noise and senses Different people have different needs , instead of closing them in a box  Concept "Muscles" as a form "Movement"  Rehabilitation Interaction Amenities near Activities far  Bench for sitting or exercise  Located at bus stop or at a corner Smaller interventions and bigger interventions 

Notes from Jury (12/17/2021)

Robert Zagaroli: to build upon what Frederick and Ting said, maybe your solution is more of a scattered site approach. Joining the healing "pavilions" along the green corridors. So that you get to look at the broader context and map of London with smaller, 'pop up' healing centers. Lia:  Each person heals differently. Why London? Frederic: "Healing the City - Healing the Person" Generate green corridors can be a catalyst that extends throughout the neighborhood. Maybe like "Museum Mile" or the hospitals and clinics in NYC on 1st avenue. Ting: healing corridors throughout the city - string along a path throughout the city. Sanjive:   Think radically - no one will argue that healing isn't needed. Make sure that these healing areas do not turn into private healing centers.